Virtual Funerals

Our experience of attending a Virtual Funeral

We’ve been at Lanhydrock now for 27 years and have seen many ups and downs, I feel we have struck a great relationship with locals and visitors alike and as such have become known as the family business venue that can help with any eventuality. One very poignant event comes to mind that I wanted to share; due to the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown and social distancing measures, restrictions have been understandably placed on all gatherings and large events, leaving many families unable to grieve the loss of a loved one in the traditional manner.

I recently received a phone call from a charming gentleman who said that his mother had passed away, he asked for me personally and when he mentioned his mother’s name I was stunned as I had known this lady personally and we had gotten on so well. Through the nature of this job we meet many lovely people, but she and I had really clicked, partly because our families both hailed from the Channel Islands.

I gave my condolences and he informed me that there was going to be a service the following day at Glynn Valley Crematorium, the only people attending were himself and his sister and he asked me if I would like to join them. I was given a link and a beautifully organised Order of Service with a wonderful eulogy and the next morning I sat in front of my computer in the office, cup of tea in hand, and logged on to the link using a unique password.

I was presented with a web link video camera to the Crematorium and at the front of that lovely chapel which I know so well with that wonderful view out across the countryside, there he was with just his sister. I could hear everything so clearly without feeling like I was intruding, the service lasted less than half an hour and went through the usual stages and was very respectful and moving, I genuinely felt honoured to be part of it.

When the camera was switched off, myself and the other ‘Virtual Guests’ were able to reflect on our own thoughts and memories of this wonderful lady who was 96 and who was so switched on and forward thinking, a dog lover like myself – we just clicked.

She is someone that I would love to have had as an aunt, and the fact that her funeral was the one that I attended in a virtual sense was just so fitting as I met her through the U3A who visit us for lunch and she so positively intending to keep going as long as she could, I think to get to 96 was amazing.
Her family did her proud with the wonderful service they gave her and we have planned a get together in a years’ time in her memory. I was told her instructions to her son had been ‘Go and see Clare at Lanhydrock’ – I was so proud.

Clare Bond

Virtual Funerals in Cornwall